Nate Ritchie

Project Manager - PLA

Nate’s interest in influencing the built environment started at an early age while helping maintain his parents’ elaborate gardens. Driven by an engineering mindset, Landscape Architecture provided a way to merge environmentalism with an enthusiasm for design and technology. He joined Callander Associates as a college intern in 2002; and after a brief leave to pursue a career in computer networking, Nate came back to the firm realizing it was well-aligned with his personal values and provided the perfect outlet for his creative passions. “It’s rewarding to participate in the design process, see my ideas get built, and ultimately think I am improving people’s lives when they use what I helped design.”

Outside of his work responsibilities, Nate enjoys the pursuit of health and human performance. Whether it’s providing nutritional support with his raw food diet, using bio-hacks to enhance mental function, or conditioning his body through fitness activities; Nate has found that maintaining a high-level of personal health increases his ability to manage complex projects at work with a determined focus and greater ease.