Making the News! Complete Streets

The Downtown Watsonville Complete Streets Plan, one of CALA’s current projects, was recently featured in Santa Cruz County’s and Monterey County’s local...

The Downtown Watsonville Complete Streets Plan, one of CALA’s current projects, was recently featured in Santa Cruz County’s and Monterey County’s local news channel, KION.  KION covered the efforts of the City of Watsonville, with support from CALA and the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, tabling together at Watsonville’s 24th annual Strawberry Festival to host one of several community outreach booths to gather the community’s concerns and wishes for improving multi-modal access to and through the Downtown. Outreach efforts included the use of interactive virtual reality visualizations to better communicate the proposed design alternatives.

CALA was selected by the City of Watsonville to prepare a Complete Streets plan for their downtown. The plan will provide a roadmap to make Downtown Watsonville’s streets safer and more accessible for all modes of transportation – including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists. The project is on track to be finished by Spring 2019. Stay tuned for more updates.


Kelly Ocampo

Project Manager - PLA, CPSI, SITES AP

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